
🔥 Build Better & Faster Websites - Static Starter Boilerplate [FREE]

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🔥 Build Better & Faster Websites - Static Starter Boilerplate [FREE]

11 ratings

Please visit https://www.staticstarter.com for a better detailed description of the product. 🤗

The perfect combination of tools and best practices to kickstart your future web project.

Save hours of research.

The Static Starter is the perfect developer experience for beginner and intermediate. It's the simplest way to get started in no time and build a website with incredible performance and unbeatable SEO. It bundles every best practices I created, found, and steal over the past 5 years of my career.

1000+ hours of research and 5+ years of experience as a developer compiled into one product.

(Important note: Built in 2022)

Benefits that you'll get:

✅ The perfect template for creating modern, mobile-first static websites.

✅ Use a templating system to reuse components throughout your website.

✅ All files are in the right place; you will never be lost again.

✅ View your changes instantly on all devices that are connected to wifi.

✅ Everything is minified, compressed and served with the best standards.

✅ Up-to-date best practices, optimal loading time and perfect SEO score.

The FULL list:

Files Compression And Images Optimization 📱

This template compresses and optimizes all files for your production version, which will significantly reduce the overall size of your website and speed up its loading time.

Modern Responsive Development 🎨

Mobile-first approach, breakpoint features and modern responsive to reduce the number of breakpoints in your website - fewer bugs, better productivity.

Zero Extra, You Get The Full Control 🗃️

Zero extra installed by default. You have full control over which packages and libraries you want to install and play with. Keep it simple and easy to use.

A Smart Workflow Helping You Achieve More 🤖

Pretty your files, lint your JavaScript, and sort all your imports in a matter of seconds – just hit “Save” and Kaboom, everything is neat and tidy.

Make Google Happy With Those Performance. 😻

Everything is served according to the new Google algorithms and performance measures (Web vitals: CLS, LCP, Loading Time, etc.)

Be Part Of The Private Starter’s Community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

You will have the opportunity to join our discord and discuss with all other developers. Share your work, find help, solve bugs and grow together.

OPTIONAL BONUS: Tutorial Package ⭐

What you'll learn:

  • How to start with this boilerplate (the basics)
  • How to publish your website
  • How to structure your files as components
  • How to tackle Modern responsive development
  • How to fix the SEO and performance of your website
  • How to update your project

FAQ: Who am I?

I am Pierre Mouchan, a Freelance Front-end Developer/Designer and former Founder. I have spent the last few years creating many opportunities for companies. Today, I've decided to help individuals in their journey. (Btw, I am French, sorry for my accent 😇)

This product is for all my fellow developers who want to improve their craft.

FAQ: Why did I create this?

Since I've started my journey as a Developer, I've created countless boilerplates on every possible framework. I was obsessed with the idea of getting a perfect developer experience.

Finding your own personal workflow that makes you productive at work is hard. That is the main reason I decided to make this product free. It is a good taste for developers who are looking to improve themselves. I want to empower them to be more productive and write cleaner code.

I have always tried to optimize these projects templates and to get the best of the best experiences out of it. I always googled "best practices" for any kind of topic I could think of.

This boilerplate is for all developers who want to save countless hours of research. It gathers all the best practices I've created, found, and stolen over the last 5 years of my career.

FAQ: What this product is made for?

This product is centered around static websites.

I won't tell you that you cannot achieve a great ecommerce app or build the next Facebook, but you will be limited.

Anytime you will have to make some modifications, you'll need a developer to get back to the code and make those modifications. It's the main reason why this is called a "Static Boilerplate".

Instead, if you want to build a "Dynamic Website", you can always attach a CMS, another framework or WordPress to this template.

For the second package, you will have access to a bonus course about productivity and efficiency as a developer. You will learn advanced methods and strategies to get your work done faster in a better everyday workflow, from scratch to production. You will learn the fundamental of website optimizations, and you’ll understand how to make the difference between what matters and what does not.

Note that this product was designed and built for all developers, regardless of experience.

FAQ: Can I Get The Course For Free?

I spent countless hours writing and developing this course – Something I wish I had when I started.

At this price, this pack represents less than 1-2 hour of your time billing a client. I'm confident this package will save you countless hours on your next project; that's a positive return on investment.

if you still want to be refunded for this product or if you still a discount for financial reasons, please contact me (with some legitimate evidence) and I will try to find a solution: pierre.mouchan@gmail.com

Still have questions?

Send your feedback or queries to pierre.mouchan@gmail.com

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